L.I.O.N. is his newest EP, which he has in store for music lovers and listeners all over the world who seek something more upbeat and contemporary in hip-hop.
No matter how much ever we talk about a few people doing exceedingly well in their respective industries, it still feels much more discussions are needed around them for the world to understand their genius and brilliance. It is also necessary to put more light on the journeys and successes of these individuals and professionals, especially in overly competitive and saturated industries like music, because their successes can ignite much-needed motivation in other budding talents around the world. One such young man who believed in his visions in music and always made sure to offer people something they could instantly feel connected with is Zie.

Rapper ZIE
Zie is one of those rare talents who has never ceased to amaze his fans and music lovers with songs like I Bet, No Sleep, Like It or Not, 4.05 Am and many more. He offers six of his songs through his newest EP, L.I.O.N., which has helped him roar high and how in the current music scene in the US, helping him make his name well-known as a one-of-a-kind music artist.
L.I.O.N. (https://open.spotify.com/album/6mELmXiinPmb1RaVM4qBNi) is already making a lot of noise in the current music realm in the US and also has the potential to strike a conversation of Zie’s pending commercial influence. Experts in the industry are also of the view that his approach to music, with his musical complexity, will continue to elevate his brand and marketability. This is how his music brand EAT (Eliminate All Troubles), has attained massive buzz so far in his career.
People are going crazy with what he has offered them with L.I.O.N. and are going gaga over the increasing influence this young music artist today has on the current music realm across the US, especially in the rap and hip-hop niches, offering contemporary experiences and something that never fails to instantly connect with each of his listeners and his growing base of fans and followers on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/3QOfyAxQS7xAyjc7PAmoDy and Instagram @zieokc.